- fisheye_UndistortImage
void fisheye_UndistortImage(Mat distorted, Mat undistorted, Mat k, Mat d)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- fisheye_UndistortImageWithParams
void fisheye_UndistortImageWithParams(Mat distorted, Mat undistorted, Mat k, Mat d, Mat knew, Size size)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- getOptimalNewCameraMatrixWithParams
Mat getOptimalNewCameraMatrixWithParams(Mat cameraMatrix, Mat distCoeffs, Size size, double alpha, Size newImgSize, Rect* validPixROI, bool centerPrincipalPoint)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- initUndistortRectifyMap
void initUndistortRectifyMap(Mat cameraMatrix, Mat distCoeffs, Mat r, Mat newCameraMatrix, Size size, int m1type, Mat map1, Mat map2)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.